Sunday, March 28, 2010

Steri-strips are off!

We had a follow up appt. on Friday. Everything looks great, his scar is pretty gnarly.

Our very favorite neurosurgeon! Dr. Michael Muhonen. He is a hero in our book! Nicest guy you'll ever meet, and funny too.
He had me take this picture of him and Everett. He says they have matching heads!


  1. I love that they both have that male pattern baldness thing going! I miss you guys and want to give all of you hugs.

  2. So Cute!! What a HUGE improvement!! That scar is really scary though. I can't wait to hold that little sweet! Love you guys!

  3. awww! just from those pics i love your doc! i'm SO glad to hear that everything's going well.

    that'll be a pretty awesome scar for everett to show off one day-- i bet he shaves his head in high school and everyone thinks he's in a tough gang or something! ;)

  4. Hilarious:) What a nice bonus to have such a qualified and yet sincere and personable surgeon! Everett looks wonderful. Thanks for the drop-by the other day--loved the snack:)! Take care,
    melissa and kyle
