Saturday, March 6, 2010

Blood buddies.

Everett and I gave blood yesterday. Well, he only gave a teaspoon, but it was awful. They couldn't find a vein so they were digging around in his arm while he screamed. Finally the guy gave up and got enough with a heel prick. Matt and I have to give blood and hopefully one of our blood types will be compatible with Everett's in case he needs a transfusion. I like the thought of him having our blood in him over a stranger's, plus it's one more thing I can hang over his head when he's a disrespectful teenager.

We are going to do the surgery here at CHOC. Dr. Muhonen is the chief of pediatric neurosurgery there and he will be performing the surgery. I talked to two very sweet moms whose kids had the same surgery Everett will get. They had nothing but wonderful things to say about the doctor, hospital, and nurses. It made me feel so much better about everything!

So, surgery is set for Monday March 15th at 8:30am. Everett will not be able to eat for 6 hours beforehand, which I am not looking forward to. The surgery should last about 2 hours from start to finish. He will stay in the hospital for 2-3 nights depending on how he's doing.
I can't wait for all this to be over and to see Everett's new and improved head:)


  1. oh, you will have LOADS to hold over him in this teenage years! ;)

    i'm glad you get to stay local... i think that'll make things easier for you as a familiy. and what a blessing to be able to talk to the other moms! what a great resource!

    i have no idea how you're gonna make him go 6 hours without eating! i guess you'd better wake him up at like 2am and MAKE him eat... poor fella... POOR MOM!

  2. yuck! Having to get blood drawn from our baby can be brutal on us mom's. I am not sure if JT or I used to cry harder when we had so many blood draws when he was little. We have been thinking of you lots and will be praying for everything to go well.

  3. He is such a cutie Alisa! We will be keeping baby Everett (and you all) in our thoughts and prayers.

  4. What blood type does Everett have? What do you and Matt have? If you need me, mine is B+. I would love to help if you ever need me. I love all of you, mom

  5. monica lasich vincentMarch 18, 2010 at 10:06 AM

    I totally know Dr. Muhonen! I did the tiles that are in his office! He is an angel in heaven!
