Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Not so fun. He was in so much pain, his heart was racing and the morphine did not seem to help at all. They started giving him Tylenol and Motrin and he settled down sometime last night. His head "turban" came off four times during the night, which made the drain in his head fall out. Rough night, but he is doing much better today.

This is how he looked right after surgery. Poor baby!

Getting his blood transfusion. One of our lovely donor's blood, we don't know who yet, thank you, thank you!
He likes to be held and rocked, and he is eating great today as well.
No words for THIS. Sorry to the weak of stomach.
I have to get back to the hospital and I can't get onto blogger, but I will try to update when I come home for breaks.


  1. Oh Lisa...and Matt...I'm so sorry. Those pictures makes me cry. It's so amazing though what modern medicine is able to do! And what a little cutie!! I had no idea they made those tiny hospital gowns!! Do you get to keep it?! I can see the difference already in the before and after photos! I'm glad all is going well and we are definitely thinking of you guys! Love you love you!!

  2. oh, i have no words... it breaks my heart. i'm sorry for the rough nights, but love the pic of him being rocked by matt! i hope you get more snatches of peaceful moments! love you guys!!!

  3. Alisa and Matt you guys are so brave. Not that there was any choice in this but I am so amazed with your strength and peace through this. I know it comes from God and I am so greatful that prayers were answered on your behalf as well as sweet Everetts.
    You are so loved by Brent and I.

  4. Those pictures are just heartbreaking, but I'm so glad you're past the surgery and on the road to recovery now. He is so precious. Thank you for keeping us updated. There are lots of people in the ward wanting to help in any way they can so don't hesitate if you guys need something.
