Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Thank you, thank you for all your wonderful emails, phone calls, comments, prayers and thoughts! We feel so loved and supported! I can not tell you how much they have helped! I wish I could be more on top of things and respond to all of them!

After meeting with the neurosurgeon again today, we have decided to go with the endoscopic version (limited CVR) of the surgery. We feel very comfortable with our decision and are so grateful that our pediatrician caught it early enough that we are able to do it this way. The surgeon said he usually does not get these cases until the kids are 1, and then it's too late to do the endo version. Right now surgery is scheduled for Monday, March 15th with a doctor here in Orange County. That's the plan for now, unless we decide to go with a doctor in Texas (Dr. Jimenez, he is the dr. who pioneered this type of surgery and has done tons of them). The only problem with Texas is we could not get the surgery done until April 8th and we know that the earlier we can do it, the better.

Here is an animated video of how the surgery is done.

After watching it, you can see why I am actually really happy he will be in a helmet, since half his skull will be gone! Especially considering his older brother seems to think if he can pick it up, it should be thrown. (Preferably at something breakable).
SO, that's the plan. Yikes, I'm getting nervous just thinking about it. Thank you again for all your support!


  1. I bet it's so nice to have made a decision - and I'm glad you have the option to go the less invasive route. Still scary, but nice to know it's not as intensive for him. And I was looking on the site and saw all of the before and after pictures - it's amazing what they can do, and probably comforting to know they can fix it and he'll be all better! Just hope that Holden doesn't decide he needs a helmet too to start playing football with his little brother! :)

  2. I can't believe that's how much skull they take out!!! That's crazy! Poor boy! I love you tons Lis! We are definitely keeping you guys in our thoughts!
