Tuesday, March 23, 2010

1 week post-op. Kinda.

Everett is doing wonderful! He is totally off all medications! I don't think he has any idea his head was cut open one week ago! Here are some before and after shots. (And these pictures are not the greatest, sorry). The ski slope profile is gone and his forehead is much smaller. The results will continue to get better and better with time and especially after helmet therapy.

Arrrggg, these pictures are not lining up like I wanted them to, but you get the idea...

He also went and got scanned for a helmet. It was so cool, they put him in this little machine and it took 1.5 (honestly) seconds for all these lasers to scan his head. His helmet will be made just for him based on the scan. We will get it on Monday. Can't wait!


  1. Yay! I can comment! He looks so great! I am so happy for you. I can't believe he is off all meds. That is amazing. You've got one little tough guy. I guess he's going to have to be tough being Holden's little brother. :)

  2. What immediate and incredible results for brave Everett! Yipee for the Fogts:)

  3. I am just amazed at the immediate difference! Crazy how he's off drugs! He just had major surgery! Love you guys lots!!

  4. awww... i love his sweet lil' shaved head! kisses from auntie sarah! ;)
    only a few more days 'til helmet time!
