Saturday, March 13, 2010

Labwork and my meltdown.

Yesterday was hard. I feel like I have kept it together pretty well the last couple of weeks, but the last few days I have been on edge. Then Matt called me and told me he was feeling uneasy about everything, and that did it. The string that was holding me together snapped and I fell apart. Unfortunately for my sister, it happened right before I got on the phone with her. Thanks for bearing the brunt of my stress JJ, I know you have enough of your own. Thank goodness for prayer and love from family and friends. By the end of the night I felt calm and peaceful again.
We went and got Everett's pre-op labs done this morning at the children's hospital. When I got there I walked past the oncology and cancer clinic. All I had to do was read those words and I promised myself I would keep it together from now on. Because what WE are dealing with is easy, and we are so BLESSED.

Although I will definitely need a box of kleenex when I have to hand my baby over to the surgeon. But please don't judge me for that.

One more day!


  1. I have enjoyed reading your blog and keeping updated on the progress of Everett. I wish you all didn't have to go through this, but we are fasting and praying today for him, the surgeon, and all of you.
    We love you, Dad and Mom

  2. Good luck, Alisa! We will make sure to say some extra prayers for Everett tomorrow.

  3. i am thinking of you and your family today!!! we love you! and of course, no judgment. ever. are you kidding?! i wish i could be there with a CASE of kleenex... the soft kind with lotion so your nose doesn't get rubbed raw.

  4. My dear, I've been worrying and holding my breath all morning! We are thinking of you and praying fervently. love, the Bennions

  5. We have been praying all day and were so glad to hear things went "beautifully". I hope the recovery is speedy. We love you!

  6. LOVE YOU LOVE YOU LOVE YOU!!! I'm glad all went well and can't wait to see pictures of him in the helmet. He's going to be SO CUTE!!! And YOU lisa are amazing. I don't know how you do it. Give that little boy a big kiss from his aunt Bekah!
