Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dark blue=Purple

We started helmet therapy on Tuesday. So far Everett is not a fan. He is having a hard time sleeping in it, but I'm guessing he will get used to it soon. It has been an adjustment for me also. It is harder to snuggle him and I miss kissing his little head. But he does look really cute! They gave us an option of ordering the helmet with a color and design, so I picked dark blue. Simple. Manly. Why didn't the guy tell me it actually looks purple?! Especially in the sun, seriously. Oh well, I put a motorcycle on it and some trucks, do you think that makes up for the color?!

Also, amazingly, I have already noticed a difference in his head shape. I was freaking out because I thought his bone had grown back in the front of his head, but then I realized his soft spot was just further back. Which means his forehead is not growing forward anymore and his sides should be filling out as well. He is not even in it full time yet! He's on his way to a beautiful head!


  1. It's definitely a manly purple thought. He looks really cute in it!! I remember being really upset that I couldn't kiss Sawyers head and sometimes he would head-butt me in the lip and it would really hurt, and he would wake up a lot at night because I can't imagine that sleeping in a helmet is very comfy...but you have to admit, babies look ADORABLE in these!! Especially Everett! Love that smile!

  2. Wow, he looks just like Holden in that second photo! The purple is not a girly purple, and he is so masculine he can pull it off. What a cute kid. I miss all you guys.

  3. He looks like a football player from the early 1900's--tough and cute.
