Thursday, March 18, 2010

Look Who's Home!

And you can see how he feels about that!

Everett was doing so well, they gave us the option of staying one more night or going home. After our "interesting" night Tuesday in a shared room, we were so ready to get out of the hospital. Everett is doing great with just Tylenol and probably won't even need that in a couple days. The doctor was amazed at how little swelling he had. Usually these babies swell so much they can't open their eyes. Thank you! We feel so blessed!

We are taking Everett to get fitted for a helmet today. Even though he had the open surgery and probably doesn't need it, we requested one, for safety reasons. And I already can't wait to get it, I'm having constant heart attacks!


  1. I am so pleased he is home already!

  2. What a trooper you all are! Surgery on your child is sure not easy on Mom and Dad either! I'm so glad that he is doing so well.

  3. Oh Alisa, I am SO sorry you guys have gone through this!! I had no idea how much drama you were going through . . . I've been stuck in my own little world of drama. I remember hearing something about him, but somehow missed the magnitude of everything. I'm so glad that things went well and I will for sure keep you guys in my prayers. xoxo

  4. Is he smiling in that picture!?! What a little trooper! I'm so happy for you guys!

  5. I am so glad he is doing so well!! That is so cute he is smiling to be at home. :) What a cute little guy! What a blessing that he had little swelling and is recovering so quickly.
    We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
    Mom and Dad Fogt

  6. Yay! I'm so glad you got to come home early!

  7. Adam showed me your blog and I just read through everything. MAN! Poor little guy. I am feeling for all of you. I hope the worst is over for you guys. Everett looks like a star patient, though, he is one tough little man. And look at that sweet little smile!!! It's killing me. We will keep praying for him and your family.


  8. i request a pic of him in the helmet!!! ;) has it come yet?

  9. So glad to see that the surgery went so well and he's back home. We have been praying for you guys every day. How traumatic for all of you! Hope it gets easier from here on out. We'll continue to pray for you.
