Monday, March 15, 2010

Surgery Day

It was a long day, but we are through the worst part! The doctor ended up having to do the open procedure because the bone was so thick, so we were a little sad about that, but we feel like he made the decision that would be best for Everett. Needless to say, he is a very sad baby and it has been hard seeing him in so much pain. He is getting a blood transfusion right now, and looks much better because of it. He will probably swell quite a bit in the next 24-48 hours, but should be able to come home by Thursday. I can barely keep my eyes open so I promise I will write more and post pictures tomorrow! Thank you all so much for the prayers, thoughts, emails, and support. We have felt so much love and I know it has made me stronger through all of this! We are so grateful everything went well and his head already looks so much rounder! I have a newfound respect for surgeons. Amazing!


  1. What a blessing for such a dear family! You don't know how many times I checked the blog, and others texted me, wondering how the procedure went. I told them I was assuming "no news was good news" and we all just kept praying for you. Thank you for letting us know, and I'm sorry too about the last-minute procedure change. It's hard to change expectations like that mid-stride. I can't believe he's coming home hopefully Thursday! That's a miracle! I wish I could take Everett's pain. What an ordeal:( I'm so glad the worst is over. Stay healthy, try to get some sleep, we love you, and we're all thinking of you.

  2. I'm so happy to hear things went well. We said lots of extra prayers for you guys yesterday. Good luck with the recovery!
