Monday, April 5, 2010

3 weeks post-op.

And 1 week in his helmet. He is now wearing it full time and doesn't seem to notice it too much. I am still in awe of how much his head has changed in the last few weeks, he looks like a totally different baby. And I think you will really have to look for that scar eventually. Please excuse his ugly hair cut. I trimmed the front but couldn't bring myself to cut the back yet. It's such a pretty color and it gets all curly when I wash it. It will probably go later this week:(. This will also be my last post for a while. I will update every few months for the next year. I was so grateful for other mom's who blogged about their journey's with craniosynostosis. It was always such a relief to read their stories and see the results, and happy endings! Thank you so much to everyone who has loved, worried, and prayed for Everett with us. He is a lucky little guy to have so many people who love him (as are we)!

What a difference! I'm so grateful we live when we do. A little miracle for our little guy!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dark blue=Purple

We started helmet therapy on Tuesday. So far Everett is not a fan. He is having a hard time sleeping in it, but I'm guessing he will get used to it soon. It has been an adjustment for me also. It is harder to snuggle him and I miss kissing his little head. But he does look really cute! They gave us an option of ordering the helmet with a color and design, so I picked dark blue. Simple. Manly. Why didn't the guy tell me it actually looks purple?! Especially in the sun, seriously. Oh well, I put a motorcycle on it and some trucks, do you think that makes up for the color?!

Also, amazingly, I have already noticed a difference in his head shape. I was freaking out because I thought his bone had grown back in the front of his head, but then I realized his soft spot was just further back. Which means his forehead is not growing forward anymore and his sides should be filling out as well. He is not even in it full time yet! He's on his way to a beautiful head!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Steri-strips are off!

We had a follow up appt. on Friday. Everything looks great, his scar is pretty gnarly.

Our very favorite neurosurgeon! Dr. Michael Muhonen. He is a hero in our book! Nicest guy you'll ever meet, and funny too.
He had me take this picture of him and Everett. He says they have matching heads!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

1 week post-op. Kinda.

Everett is doing wonderful! He is totally off all medications! I don't think he has any idea his head was cut open one week ago! Here are some before and after shots. (And these pictures are not the greatest, sorry). The ski slope profile is gone and his forehead is much smaller. The results will continue to get better and better with time and especially after helmet therapy.

Arrrggg, these pictures are not lining up like I wanted them to, but you get the idea...

He also went and got scanned for a helmet. It was so cool, they put him in this little machine and it took 1.5 (honestly) seconds for all these lasers to scan his head. His helmet will be made just for him based on the scan. We will get it on Monday. Can't wait!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Look Who's Home!

And you can see how he feels about that!

Everett was doing so well, they gave us the option of staying one more night or going home. After our "interesting" night Tuesday in a shared room, we were so ready to get out of the hospital. Everett is doing great with just Tylenol and probably won't even need that in a couple days. The doctor was amazed at how little swelling he had. Usually these babies swell so much they can't open their eyes. Thank you! We feel so blessed!

We are taking Everett to get fitted for a helmet today. Even though he had the open surgery and probably doesn't need it, we requested one, for safety reasons. And I already can't wait to get it, I'm having constant heart attacks!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Not so fun. He was in so much pain, his heart was racing and the morphine did not seem to help at all. They started giving him Tylenol and Motrin and he settled down sometime last night. His head "turban" came off four times during the night, which made the drain in his head fall out. Rough night, but he is doing much better today.

This is how he looked right after surgery. Poor baby!

Getting his blood transfusion. One of our lovely donor's blood, we don't know who yet, thank you, thank you!
He likes to be held and rocked, and he is eating great today as well.
No words for THIS. Sorry to the weak of stomach.
I have to get back to the hospital and I can't get onto blogger, but I will try to update when I come home for breaks.

Before surgery.

Here is Everett before surgery. He was so happy and good, even smiling after 5 hours with no food. Handing him over to the O.R. nurse was the hardest thing I have ever done (so far). I kinda wanted to run the other way with him.

Oh, I'm sorry, but how cute are the little hospital gowns!