Monday, April 5, 2010

3 weeks post-op.

And 1 week in his helmet. He is now wearing it full time and doesn't seem to notice it too much. I am still in awe of how much his head has changed in the last few weeks, he looks like a totally different baby. And I think you will really have to look for that scar eventually. Please excuse his ugly hair cut. I trimmed the front but couldn't bring myself to cut the back yet. It's such a pretty color and it gets all curly when I wash it. It will probably go later this week:(. This will also be my last post for a while. I will update every few months for the next year. I was so grateful for other mom's who blogged about their journey's with craniosynostosis. It was always such a relief to read their stories and see the results, and happy endings! Thank you so much to everyone who has loved, worried, and prayed for Everett with us. He is a lucky little guy to have so many people who love him (as are we)!

What a difference! I'm so grateful we live when we do. A little miracle for our little guy!


  1. amazing! the view from the top looks totally *normal* to my untrained eye! SOOOO happy he's making such a quick and full recovery!

  2. Alisa! What a miraculous and fast change:) I'm so glad he seems to be adjusting better to helmet life these days and I hope that means he's sleeping better these days. That's a must for moms and babies!:) I'm thrilled you get to add your Everett (and your blog) as another successful craniosynostosis story! We're thinking of you and your family.

  3. Hello, not sure if you still check your blog at all anymore, but I just wanted to see what your LO's head is like now and I was curious about the helmet. My DD had the CVR surgery with Dr. Muhonen about 3 weeks ago and her head looks just like your baby's did. He told us no helmet with the CVR, but wondered why your baby was given one and what the outcome was. Hoping you get this message, thanks a lot!!

  4. Hello! We are about to undergo this surgery Thursday and had a few questions. Can you please call me? 2394040921.
